Laddar Evenemang

Arb camp first began in Sweden in 2005 at Gunnebo Slott. Then called the ”Burning hitch” climbers met to climb together and share ideas in September, at the end of the climbing competition season, lots of ideas to share.

In 2010 we first ran a Scandinavian Arb Camp in Hjo on a more formal basis with practical workshops along with the usual tree sleep and festivities.

With the support of Växjö Kommun, Arb camp will be situated in old beech forest on a peninsula between the lakes Norra and Södra Bergunda. (See map here.)

This forest is rich in biodiversity with veteran trees showing wonderful signs of biophysical adaptation.

The perfect classroom for learning about trees.

Recent debates surrounding pruning techniques and tree stability beg the question, what exactly is it that trees need from us?

Do trees know what pruning is?

After all, trees have not evolved with arborists. Trees have evolved with the far greater natural forces of Wind, Fire, snow and Ice.

How can our observations of Veteran trees in the natural environment, and their mutualistic associations with fungi and other organisms guide our practices of tree management in the urban environment to the benefit of all organisms associated with trees?

Is there a far more Holistic approach to tree management?

Empirical observations of trees in the natural environment, their evolution, and their own strategies for survival show us that they have developed advanced systems in mutual association with other organisms to survive successfully.

So are the simple schematic rules of defense and attack through barrier zones really a true reflection the trees ́ relationship with fungi?

Do fungi really make trees ”risk trees” as some claim? Or are the fungal organisms really living in mutual association with the tree, for the benefit of both organisms.

We know from experience many un- decayed trees fall too, were they not also a risk?

With this in mind, Arb camp 2014 will look at many aspects of holistic tree management, from roots to practical issues of tree maintenance with some great speakers.

Arb camp this year will combine some inspiring speakers covering subjects from Risk assessment and pre hospital trauma treatment, to the Biology of Macro Fungi living on trees and tree law in Sweden.

Friday 6th June

10:00 – 12:00 Registration and payment
13:00 – 13:30 Gathering and opening meeting by Bergunda grill site. Opening introduction by Lars Andersson Kommunal Ekolog Växjö Kommun, who will introduce us to the history and ecological significance of the Bokhult site.
13:30 – 16:30 Tree root rejuvenation.
Peter Magnusson (Växjö kommun) and Örjan Stål will lead a group, to visit one of Växjös oldest lime avenues where soil compaction has affected tree vitality.
Peter and Örjan will discuss the soil and root improvement techniques used to ensure continued health of the avenue. A great alternative to felling and re-planting so common in other cities.
Delegates are asked to be on- time 13.00 as transport to the avenue will require some coordination.
16:00 – 18:00 Camp and grill, recreational climbing and hang out.
17:00 – 20:00 Forest Life rigging competition! (More info here)

Saturday 7th June

09:30 – 10:30 Ted Green Mbe, Obe.
Endosymbiotic strategies for survival in trees.
Ted Green, co-founder of the Ancient tree forum, will discuss the role of fungi in the trees eco-system and challenge the concepts of defense and attack so commonly associated with Modern tree care.
Alternatively presenting tree fungal relationships as a developed mutualistic symbiosis involving endophytic fungi that are long established in the living tree.
Ted will discuss the research of Dr Alan Rayner and Dr Lynn Boddy and offer a more holistic understanding of tree care practices, in particular for veteran trees.
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee
11:00 – 12:30 Pre- hospital trauma treatment. Andreas Claesson, Jon Hartill.
Andreas Claesson Ambulance paramedic and researcher will deliver an intensive program on essential life support systems specifically for injured climbers. Andreas deals daily with severe trauma treatment as a paramedic next to Sweden’s busiest motorways the E6 in Kungälv.
The exercise will based upon a typical tree accident scenario and will help you to develop your own skills in first aid and be great update training of your knowledge.
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 Biology of Fungi in trees. Jill Butler. A walk in this rich forest with Woodland trust educator and Veteran tree expert Jill Butler will give you a whole new insight into the species specific relationships between common tree fungi and their hosts. Take this opportunity to widen your knowledge along with Jill and her long experience of Woodland ecology. You will certainly begin to see the role of decay fungi in a completely different perspective.
15:00 – 15:30 Break
15:30 – 16:30 Risk assessment and emergency planning on the worksite. Liam Mckeown.
Senior Lantra Verifier and Treevolution Trainer Liam Mckeown will discuss Worksite risk assessment, safety management systems and the worksite safety checklists used in the Uk.
Developed by the Heath and Safety executive along with the Arboricultural association, Liam has been training health and safety inspectors.
16:30 – 18:00 Trees and the Law.
MaryAnn Fargo (Länsstyrelsen in Södermanland) will discuss all the relevant tree law and planning matters that affect you in your work with trees, MaryAnn will cover both planning and conservation preservation legislation currently affecting trees in Sweden.
18:00 – Late Arb camp grill and party on the lake shore.

Rigging competition

Forest Life arranges a rigging competition. The entry fee is 1000 SEK per team and the first price is a voucher for 6000 SEK at Forest Life for the whole team.

The teams can be registered on site and need to consist of 3-4 persons. Maximum of 4 teams.

The competition starts at 17:00 and aims to finish around 20:00.

Any questions can be asked to Barry at

Location and map

Please note that Växjö kommun has very kindly given us permission to be in the nature reserve Bokhultet.

In the nature reserve there are special rules of what you may and may not do in the nature reserve. Please respect them. Representatives from the kommun will tells all about this and more at 12 o’clock on the Friday.


1200 kr for members.
1500 kr for those who want to become members.
1500 kr for non members.

The registration fee is to be paid latest the 26th of May to BankGiro 203-0070.

Make sure to state your name + ”ArbCamp”. Then send an e-mail to our treasurer to confirm payment. Please state in the email if you wish to become a member.

For registration after the 26th and for those that show up on site that haven’t registered the cost will be 1500 kr.

The offer to become a member + ArbCamp for 1500 kr is only available until the 26th of May.

If you can’t pay with BankGiro you can send the money using the information below:
Account no: 5215 10 090 09
IBAN no: SE6850000000052151009009